We found that even after many years of spiritual practice (meditation, chanting, retreats) people’s minds do not stop on a PERMANENT basis, nor are they able to control their minds at will.

If this is your experience, it is not your failure. There are certain ingredients that are sadly missing from most spiritual paths. Our job is to correct that.


For the answer to this question and much more check out our videos, books and course.

Meet Gabor

Gabor Harsanyi is an awakening coach who frees people from thought addiction, allowing consciousness to awaken and to become the real guide. He is the author of Functional Silence: De-mystifying Awakening for the spiritually exhausted. In Hungary he is known as a Master of Silence and was invited to be the key note speaker at the "Soul" International Conference in Budapest.

Gabor nearly lost his life escaping from communist Hungary at the age of 18. He arrived in Canada with a single minded and insatiable thirst for his first love – power and material wealth. At the age of 30 he was already a multi-millionaire, had his black belt in Hap-Kido, and had degrees in business and engineering. However, he was not at all happy.

And so, Gabor turned to his 2nd love – spirituality.



This past year Gabor’s work has reached a new milestone, an entirely new level of depth, understanding and manifestation skills.

We have been receiving beautiful testimonials from those who are mastering being activated and living consciously throughout the day (soon to be shared on this website).

They are creating magical synchronistic events daily such as -

- repaired family relationships

- finding one’s soulmate

- clearer communications with co-workers

- ability to let go with ease

- enhanced leadership skills

- successful negotiations in business deals

- improved public speaking skills

- weight loss and much more.

Thus, our focus and direction for 2023 will be:

Group navigation sessions to develop and refine skills for living in the new paradigm or the Angular Reality.

Who can attend?

Anyone who has taken the “Yes, You Can!” video course, and/or has had X number (depending on the individual) of private consultation with Gabor.




The world is changing and will never be as we knew it. We are being compelled and pulled into a new paradigm. You must all be feeling this and that is why you are here. Some may dread this change since we have been programmed to fear and reject an “unknown” and to trust and rely only on the “familiar”.

Humanity has always been able to adapt to new situations and environments. However, at this time in our personal and collective evolution adaptation may no longer work. We have always been able to turn to spirituality to find a sense of comfort, but so many are now finding that mainstream and new age spirituality does not offer lasting peace.

Meet Nurit

Nurit Oren is an award winning public speaker, who recently spoke at the "Soul" International Conference in Budapest. She is the author of “The Blind Leading the Blonde on the Road to Freedom: Confessions of a Recovering Spiritual Junkie” and “The Feminine Principle: The Key to Awakening for Men and Women,” both of which include many of Gabor Harsanyi's teachings and wisdom, as well as many experiences that Nurit has had during her long journey culminating in awakening.

Nurit is also the co-author of Gabor Harsanyi’s book “Functional Silence: De-mystifying Awakening for the Spiritually Exhausted.” She manages Gabor’s activities and programs and also interviews awakened beings and spiritual leaders from all over the world.

As a Certified Art of Transformation Guide, Nurit has helped countless individuals from all walks of life make life-changing decisions from the heart, by creating a safe space for inner wisdom and courage to guide them in the direction that is right for them, and free them from being stuck in unwanted situations.

Books: Functional Silence: De-mystifying Awakening for the Spiritually Exhausted by Gabor Harsanyi with co-author Nurit Oren

"This book is a goldmine of liberating hints and is a must read for anyone who is searching for guidance in this jungle of misleading information. I am simply delighted, I find the expressions and metaphors beautifully enlightening and simply helpful to anyone who wishes to escape from the slavery that we have been conditioned to believe to be freedom. I am overwhelmed by the beauty, clarity and thoroughness of this work. In short, I have not read anything in this book thot I could not sign. In love, Samarpan"

Satsang Teacher, Public Speaker

"Stunningly effective! This is a 'God-Book' that should be read several times.”

Bill Cael
International Teacher and Healer, Founder of Soundbody Int.

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Ez egy felébredési kézikönyv, amelynek gyakorlatias, felszabadító és ébresztő hatású útmutatásai kiváló iránytűként szolgálhatnak azok számára, akik eltévedtek a spiritualitás labirintusaiban, és a HAZAutat keresik. Abból a nézőpontból készült, hogy a megvilágosodás nem csak néhány „kiválasztott” számára lehetséges, hanem minden egyes ember születési előjoga.

„Ez a könyv a felszabadító ötletek aranybányája, és kötelező olvasmány mindenki számára, aki eligazítást keres a megtévesztő információk dzsungelében. Egyszerűen el vagyok ragadtatva. Kifejezéseit és metaforáit gyönyörűnek, ébresztőnek és támogatónak találom bárki számára, aki szabadulni szeretne abból a rabszolgaságból, amelyről elhitették velünk, hogy a szabadság. E munka szépsége, tisztasága és alapossága szinte már édes teher a számomra. Semmit sem találtam ebben a könyvben, amivel ne értenék egyet. Szeretettel, Samarpan”
Samarpan, satsang tanító és nyilvános előadó

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Könyv ára 9 Euro + Szállítási és kezelési 4.5 Euro

Gabor Harsanyi, The Master Of Silence - on Conscious TV

Below is the transcription of Gabor Harsanyi's interview on Conscious TV, which has been included in the book "Conversations on Awakening" By Iain and Renate McNay 

Conscious TV is a UK based TV channel broadcasting on the Internet and on various Satellite channels in the UK. Their quest is to stimulate debate, question, inquire, inform, enlighten, encourage and inspire people in the areas of Consciousness, Science, Non-Duality and Spirituality. They have launched in the spring of 2008 and since then have made over 400 programs among which are interviews with teachers such as Adyashanti, Mooji, Gangaji, Rupert Spira, Byron Katie and many more."

Iain:    Hello and welcome again to Conscious TV. I am Iain McNay, and my guest today is Gabor Harsanyi. Hello Gabor. 

Gabor: Hi.

Iain:    And Gabor is a Master of Silence. I think that’s a wonderful title, and we’re going to find out how he became a Master of Silence. He has really quite a story to tell. He’s lived quite a life and he’s been through a lot of things, and we’re going to get a feel of that and also, obviously, a feel of where he is these days. So, Gabor, you were living in Hungary when there was the 1956 uprising, when the Russian tanks came in. That must have been very hard for you.

Gabor: Yes. Most of my childhood was spent in an upheaval type of situation. I remember when I was really, really young, I was three years old, and there were flowers and plants next to our house, and I used to walk and be at total peace. And then, after that, a lot of troubles started. All kinds of trouble – the 1956 revolution came, and my father was part of that uprising, so we were pushed back and forth, back and forth. All kinds of emotions came up, all kinds of emotions. And then the revolution was beaten down, and my father was taken in and out of jail for a few years after 1956. So that was really dramatic and emotionally shaking. It was an emotional shake-up.

Books: The Blind Leading the Blonde: Confessions of a Recovering Spiritual Junkie by Nurit Oren

“Nurit’s book conveys such an important message. Everyone should read it. Immediately after reading it, I invited Nurit to be one of the 17 speakers at the “Soul Conference” in Budapest, in October 2015.

“This book is the story of Nurit’s 40 years of intense spiritual seeking in several countries and with many teachers; the mistakes, the pitfalls and the elusive bliss along the way and, finally, spiritual finding and truths revealed! She holds nothing back. Her entire life is packed into those pages, including how her life changed forever after meeting Hungarian Master of Silence, Gabor Harsanyi. Since Nurit’s book depicts such a clear understanding and perception of Gabor’s teachings, I have requested Gabor to be the Keynote speaker at this conference.”

Dr. Eva Pap
Conference Director and Organizer

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„Nurit könyvére úgy találtam rá, hogy elolvastam Harsányi Gábor „Az Aranykapu – avagy – a felébredés keskeny útja” című művét. Nurit őszinte betekintést ad nekünk több évtizedes spirituális tévelygésébe, aminek csak akkor lett vége, amikor találkozott a magyar csendmesterrel, Harsányi Gáborral. Nagy bátorságra vall, hogy ennyire közel engedi az olvasót az életéhez, és nem fél mesélni a spiritualitás azon pöcegödreiről sem, amelyekkel az útja során találkozott. Könyvéből kiderül, hogy a spiritualitás illatos rózsáit, és vágtató unikornisait bizony a komplexitás sűrű és sötét fellegei takarják el előlünk. Nagyra becsülöm Nurit azon képességét és szándékát, hogy mindent tisztán elénk terít azért, mert így mások is sokat profitálhatnak belőle. Művének utolsó fejezete Gábor megközelítését és magyarázatait tartalmazza a spiritualitás lényegét illetően, és egy kiváló átkötés a csendmester saját könyvéhez.”

Jennifer Yankopolus, a Word Collaborative szerzője és tulajdonosa

„Nurit könyve egy nagyon fontos üzenetet hordoz, ami mindenkihez el kellene, hogy jusson. Mihelyst elolvastam, azonnal meghívtam Nuritot a 2015 évi, budapesti Lélek Konferencia 17 előadója közé. Mivel ez a mű tisztán érzékelhetővé, érthetővé és tapasztalhatóvá teszi Harsányi Gábor tanításait, fel is kértem Gábort, hogy legyen a konferencia főelőadója.”

Dr. Pap Éva, konferenciaigazgató és szervező

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Könyv ára 1500 HUF + Szállítási és kezelési 800 HUF 

Költsége (Euro):
Könyv ára 6 Euro + Szállítási és kezelési 4.5 Euro



The Feminine Principle: The Key to Awakening for Men and Women

This book is a guide for men and women on using the feminine-like nature we all have for the final stages of awakening. Nurit has a way of bringing the reader into the depth of what she herself has realized. She offers insights into her own journey of discovery to provide guidance for seekers that are trapped in the repetitious cycle of the Mind and who wish to transcend to a new level of being. She also includes excepts from the Satsangs, lectures and interviews of Hungarian Master of Silence, Gabor Harsanyi.

The book offers wisdom of the sort that comes out of real life experience, demonstrating that understanding is available to us at whatever level one is willing to take it in. It gets into the nitty-gritty of accessing the feminine principle, and clearly points out how imperative it is to activate this principle if we wish to reach our full potential and awaken on a personal as well as global level.

Here we find a delightful balance of all the ingredients that make for a good read, including the lighter side. At the same time, the reader is halted, spellbound, wishing to savor a certain passage that conveys and contains rich texture, nuance, and depth to it.

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PRIVATE SESSIONS - Gabor offers online private session globally and in person in Budapest. To book a private session with Gabor please write to

The initiation into presence with Gabor is partially an intellectual explanation and partially a practical application, with the specific purpose of extricating you from the complexity and busyness of your mind and introducing you to the essential nature of simplicity so that you may have a taste of your own presence.

The intellectual portion is where Gabor points out the seemingly important pieces of information, actions and beliefs that are blocking your progress towards awakening. On the practical side, he will be present with you, guide you into that space in which you are present as well, and hold you there as your inner being begins to recognize itself. Once the fundamental necessity of simplicity is understood and gotten, then the customized interactive work with Gabor begins, where he helps to protect you against the mind’s attacks.

Key Interviews

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