
An excerpt from the July 15, 2018, online Satsang, in which Gabor Harsanyi talks about the subtleties of being in harmony with this reality as well as the non-dual reality and about how to handle anger.

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28th July 2018

An excerpt from the July 8, 2018, online Satsang, in which Gabor Harsanyi offers advice for success in business.

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25th July 2018

An excerpt from the July 8, 2018, online Satsang in which Gabor Harsanyi answers the question, “How do I know that the path I am going on is the correct path to awakening?” He also offers more advice on how to deal with stuff that comes up.

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18th July 2018

A section of the July 1, 2018, online Satsang, in which Gabor Harsanyi answers questions and speaks about how to tell if you are making progress on the path, about mindfulness vs. Presence and mastery.

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15th July 2018

An excerpt from the June 24, 2018, online Satsang, in which Gabor Harsanyi speaks about the practicality of the loving influence of the universe.

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14th July 2018

An excerpt from the June 24, 2018, online Satsang, in which Gabor Harsanyi answers the question: “Is making new neuro net connections in the brain to create a better meditative state useful towards awakening?” He also speaks about the need to eliminate all concepts.

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7th July 2018

An excerpt from the June 24, 2018, online Satsang, in which Gabor Harsanyi answers the question: “How do I reconcile all the years that I wasted on wrong teachings?”

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3rd July 2018

An excerpt from the June 17, 2018, online Satsang, in which Gabor Harsanyi answers the question: “What is the one single thing that will make-or-break my success?”

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2nd July 2018

An excerpt from the June 17, 2018, online Satsang, in which Gabor Harsanyi talks about dealing with big changes in life and difficult situations through the practice of bypassing the mind.

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30th June 2018

An excerpt from the June 17, 2018, online Satsang, in which Gabor Harsanyi talks about being grateful to the universe for any life situation (good or bad) that we find ourselves in, since every life situation is an opportunity to repeat the practice of bypassing the mind.

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29th June 2018

An excerpt from the June 10, 2018, online Satsang, in which Gabor Harsanyi demonstrates how to ask for a healing by going within (which he calls the “Queen Position”), being simple and allowing the universe to bring about a healing with the help of sound. He talks about side-stepping analysis that arises from old spiritual concepts and our made-up stories.

Join Gabor's online satsangs, that take place every Sunday at 5 pm UK time; 12 pm New York time, by clicking on -...

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23rd June 2018

Another excerpt from the June 10, 2018, online Satsang, in which Gabor Harsanyi answers a question about coaching. This video is for advanced practitioners or anyone who has watched a few of Gabor’s videos. It contains good advice for coaches and for parents (coaching their children) – on how to guide from a place of presence and a peaceful mind.  

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18th June 2018

An excerpt from the June 10, 2018, online Satsang, in which Gabor Harsanyi answers a question regarding our stories that come up in an attempt to take us out of Presence.

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15th June 2018

An excerpt from the June 10, 2018, online Satsang, in which Gabor Harsanyi talks about the paradox and the pros and cons of knowing what takes one out of Presence.

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12th June 2018

An excerpt from the May 27, 2018, online Satsang, in which Gabor Harsanyi guides the participants into the silence of presence.

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7th June 2018

Gabor Harsanyi is interviewed by Gabor Gaspar about going within and finding lasting peace and happiness… the kind that is our birthright and that is free and easily accessed.

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6th June 2018

An excerpt from the May 27, 2018, online Satsang, in which Gabor Harsanyi speaks about how currently Law of Attraction is working very well in manifesting things in our lives based on our mental templates that are filled with fear. It would be much better to put an end to this type of manifestation and co-create from a new place of BEING.

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5th June 2018

An excerpt from the May 20, 2018, online Satsang, in which Gabor Harsanyi answers the following inquiry: “Lately I have been doing a lot of self-discovery and I don’t like what I see. How can I be happy with what I see? How can I change my personality and learn to be happy?”

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4th June 2018

An excerpt from the May 20, 2018, online Satsang. Gabor answers a question about the transformation that happens to one’s ambition and passion after awakening.

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3rd June 2018

An excerpt from the May 13, 2018, online Satsang. Gabor guides the participants and viewers into BEING and sitting together in the peace of presence.

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2nd June 2018