

An excerpt from the May 6, 2018, online satsang. Gabor demonstrates the simplicity of BEING in a very entertaining way. “Why should the way HOME be filled with complexities?” he asks.

Join Gabor's online satsangs, that take place every Sunday at 5 pm UK time; 12 pm New York time, by clicking on -

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1st June 2018

Danish musician, Jesper Hovedskou, asks Gabor Harsanyi how to make presence permanent in his life. Gabor offers and demonstrates new and advanced techniques to assist in the integration phase of one’s practice of presence. He also expands upon some of the topics that are covered in his book – “Functional Silence: De-mystifying Awakening for the Spiritually Exhausted”. The book is now ...

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9th September 2017

Author/public speaker, Stefan Hiene, speaks with Hungarian Master of Silence, Gabor Harsanyi, about Gabor’s book “FUNCTIONAL SILENCE: De-mystifying Awakening for the Spiritually Exhausted." In his playful yet deeply inspiring way, Stefan is able to bring out some of the hidden treasures of this book, as Gabor sheds light on the key ideas and teachings that this book offers to those who are sincere about leaping beyond duality. For more information on Stefan and to order his German book "49...

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5th August 2017